Okulary ochronne Bollé SILIUM+ CSP
Wykonane w całości z poliwęglanu okulary ochronne z wizjerem zamontowanym na eleganckiej ramce. Model ten charakteryzuje bardzo lekka konstrukcja, uniwersalna stylistyka oraz bardzo dobra ochrona oczu i ich okolic.
Cechy okularów:
- panoramiczny wizjer Curve 8 z powłoką CSP wykonany z wzmacnianego poliwęglanu o grubości 2,2 mm
- szkła CSP wyposażone w powłokę Platinum®
- powłoka przekracza wymogi międzynarodowych norm, w szczególności EN166 K i N. Jest ona nakładana po obu stronach wizjera
- właściwości niezarysowujące - Anti-Scratch
- właściwości zapobiegające parowaniu - Anti-Fog
- antypoślizgowy nosek z gumy TPE
- bardzo wygodne, nieuciskające zauszniki z wytrzymałego i wysoce elastycznego poliwęglanu
The product does not constitute ballistic protection and has no other protective properties. It is not intended for use in protective purposes, including during tactical/war/ASG games.
The use of the product for ballistic protection and/or for other protective purposes, including the use during tactical/war/ASG games, is the use of the product contrary to its intended use, in which case the buyer does so solely at his own risk.
The vendor is not liable for damage to the product, that might result from the use of the product contrary to its intended purpose, this also applies to all possible health consequences (bodily harm) for the user (buyer) or damage to property. Moreover, a misuse of the product will void the warranty on the product.
The vendor is liable to the buyer under the warranty for product defects (in the event of such defects) only if the buyer/user uses the product for its intended purpose, i.e. for purposes other than protective purposes, including the use during tactical/war/ASG games.
The lack of any protective properties of the product is a feature, not a product defect, and therefore it does not constitute a physical defect of the product within the meaning of the Polish Civil Code.
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