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  • JG/GE Hop-Up rubber
  • JG/GE Hop-Up rubber
  • JG/GE Hop-Up rubber

JG/GE Hop-Up rubber

  • Made of: rubber Color: blue Weight: 5g Manufacturer: JG/GE
  • Código de producto: JGG-08-004803
1,22 €
1,22 €
/ pcs
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    JG/GE Hop-Up rubber


The hop-up rubber is made of rubber. It is adapted to be used in a system that is equipped with the main spring's characteristics up to the M130

    What is the Hop-Up system?


The Hop-Up system is a system giving the BB pellet shot by airsoft replicas a spin movement. It uses the Magnus effect to flatten the trajectory of a flying bullet and, therefore, it makes it look similar to the trajectory of a real firearm’s bullet.


In reality, it is a properly shaped rubber or silicon seal that by touching a sped BB pellet gives it a rotation. The easiest way to explain what the Hop-Up system is to say that a BB pellet that is spun from one side generates more friction to the air so that it can turn. If the rotation will take place in the horizontal axis the BB pellet will turn upwards and compensate the force of gravitation.


The level of how strong the Hop-Up rubber touches the BB pellet determines how strong it will rotate and, therefore, go up. The heavier the BB pellets is the greater must be the pressure of the Hop-Up rubber ( while the heavier BB pellet has a greater inertia and falls down more quickly ). It works the other way around too – when a light BB pellet will be rotated to strongly it can go above the firing line.

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