SRT-13 assault rifle replica
A series of replicas under SPARTAC logo is trying to meet the needs of those who are looking for good quality for reasonable price. The main factor allowing to lower the price is substitution of metal by good quality plastic in production of some elements including the receiver. Nevertheless, fully metal gearbox and great quality mechanical parts used inside make SPARTAC as efficient tools at the battlefield, as much more expensive analagues are.
Majority of the main components of the replica was made of plastic. These are: the receiver, the dust cover, the magazine, mock gas pipe, base of the front sight, the stock. The outer barrel, fire selector and the sling catch were made of steel which is quite rare even with more expensive replicas of that kind - especially when concerns barrels.
SRT-13 was equipped with an ergonomic, profiled pistol grip and front conversion with 22mm RIS mounting rails. They allow to equip the rifle with wide range of additional accessories, from scope to tactical light. A foldable vertical front grip goes together with the replica. The replica is also equipped with a telescopic regulated stock, known from M4 replicas.
As soon as you unwrap the replica you can notice the perfect matching of the elements. Besides the fact that many of the elements are made of plastic, we will feel neither backlashes nor unpleasant material cracking known from majority of "cheaper" replicas. The stick type battery is situated inside under the dust cover. It goes together with the rifle, so everything we need in action,. we will find in the transportation carton.
Access to hop-up system regulation is achieved in a standard way: by pulling the reload handle. On the right side of the body there is a fire selector/muse. The heart of the replica is a fully metal v.3 type gearbox known for its durability and reliability; thanks to the gearbox the replica achieves over ~410 FPS of intial muzzle velocity. Due to almost 455mm long inside barrel, the shots from SPARTAC are distant and accurate.
A 'Waffle' type plastic hi-cap magazine of the capacity of 500 BBs goes together with the replica.
Additional accessories shown in photographs are not included in the kit!
Warning! The set doesn't include the battery nor charger.
The set includes:
- replica
- magazine
- RIS mounted vertical front grip
- sling
- cleaning rod
- manual
Battery included NiCd
rechargeable battery is characterized by high efficiency
current-carrying capacity, but there are disruptive effect on memory.
Should be unloaded and loaded in the full cycle, ie, it is recommended
to fully discharge, and after unloading must charge the battery
immediately without leaving it for a long time in a discharged state. | No |
Blow Back Blow back is a simulation system of the cocking lever - it imitates the work of it as the equivalent sharp. This system raises the realism and adds a lot more experience during shooting. | No |
Product length [cm] | 93 |
Product weight [g] | 2330 |
Power supply | Electric |
Material | Metal Plastic |
Muzzle velocity [FPS] It is the spped of bb, while its leaving the innerbarrel of replica. This speed is measured in FPS (Feet Per Second). 1 FPS = 0,3 m/s 1 J = 99 m/s 1 J = 326,7 FPS | 410 |
Fire mode | Full-auto Semi-auto |
Gearbox version Indications v2, v3, v6 does not mean the level of advance, but only shape of gearbox skeleton which was used and selected by the manufacturer depending on the capabilities of the body of the replica. For example, a models of the M4/M16 family, MP5, have a v2 gearbox, while the AK family have gearbox v3. | Gearbox v3 |
Hop-Up Hop-Up system is used for overclocking bb during the shot (putting it in rotation), through which, it extends its flight path. Acting laws of physics make that bb lift up, while the gravitational force take it down. Appropriate adjustment of Hop-Up, will compensate for these two factors, which result in long and straight flight for longer distance and be greater focus shot (to improve accuracy). | Yes |