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Knee pads and elbow pads

Ilość produktów: 20

    Protectors in airsoft - what to look for? 

    Airsoft is a game that often takes place in difficult terrain. Shooting locations often include old and abandoned buildings, ruins, but also forests with many natural obstacles. In enclosed spaces you can find broken glass, sharp objects sticking out or debris from demolished walls. The natural terrain is full of hills, holes or loose stones. If you add to this the dynamic skirmish, you can quickly imagine that bruises and injuries may occur. Hence, every player should equip themselves with dedicated protectors.

    Protection in airsoft

    Airsoft, compared to other outdoor games, is distinguished by its high attention to safety. Players must use the required eye and face protection. However, tactical goggles, glasses and masks are not everything. In airsoft, it is not difficult to suffer from an accidental injury or abrasion, caused for example by a fall. That is why protectors are such an important part of tactical equipment. This group of articles includes, among others, knee pads and elbow pads. Those dedicated to airsoft are made of resistant materials, which protect sensitive areas on the body very well.

    Comfortable pads - not only safety

    Knee pads and elbow pads do not only have a protective function. They are also elements, which significantly affect not only the effectiveness, but also the comfort of movement in difficult terrain. Using them, you may easily kneel in any place, e.g. on broken glass or rocky terrain. This way you will be able to quickly take up a convenient position, which directly translates into efficiency on the field of play. This solution proves particularly useful in dynamic CQB games, which often take place in a small area, where speed is the basis for action. Knee pads and elbow pads dedicated to airsoft, in addition to a hard shell, have a soft padding, which not only protects the joints, but also affects the comfort and convenience.

    It is also worth mentioning that many beginner players consider pads as an element which disturbs them, e.g. while running. This is a myth, as properly fitted kneepads and elbow pads are stable and do not hinder your movements.

    Styling and protectors

    In airsoft, apart from effective operation, styling and accurate reproduction of the equipment of real units is also important. Therefore, it is impossible to omit protectors as an element which completes the clothing and tactical equipment of every player.
