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Airsoft slings

Ilość produktów: 35

    Every airsoft player, to play, must have a replica. Whether it is their own or a borrowed one, it forms the basis of the game. Replicas do not have to be heavy or bulky, the body gets tired anyway. Hands, wrists, elbows, and other parts of the body start to hurt. Slings systems were created to ease the burden on players. What are they?

    One-point tactical slings

    Slings are a system of mounting replicas on our body or tactical equipment. With the help of special fasteners, the replica is clipped to the belts, and this way you can carry it on you with less effort. This frees up your hands, which, with a full day of shooting, can be beneficial to your body.

    Such straps are divided according to the number of attachment points. You choose them according to your individual needs, but some recommendations can help you a lot when choosing the right one.

    One-point slings, as the name suggests, hold only one point. It is a clasp at the rear part of the replica (usually closer to the center of gravity). The characteristic feature of this clasp is a very free suspension of the replica. It is not pressed firmly against the body, and thus the replica movement is not limited. Due to the one-point fastening, this solution does not work for long and heavy replicas. The reason is quite simple - too much weight quickly damages fasteners which, even if they are steel, simply expand. When this happens, the rifle will be able to detach itself from the clasp, which may cause its fall and damage. This is why such a clasp is preferred with lightweight carbines and machine guns.

    Two and three-point tactical slings

    Two- and three-point tactical slings are more versatile. Their main advantage is the ability to safely carry replicas regardless of their weight and length. They are safe because the weight is distributed here on more mounts. This allows the mounts to fit short assault rifles as well as light machine guns or sniper rifles. The systems are usually fastened on the buttstock and the front of the rifle. This serves to lock the rifle more firmly to your body.

    A sling system can make the game much easier. You just need to try it on your replica and adjust it to your needs. A wide selection of accessories of this type is available on the Gunfire website.


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