Replica Emerson Gear Fast MH Eco helmet
The helmet replica has been designed to achieve as lowest weight, while maintaining comfort and user convenience.
Helmet shell thickness: 3mm.
The interior of the helmet has 6 soft, modular cushionswhich help to stabilise the helmet during movement - included additional cushionsso you can accurately fit the helmet replica to the dimensions of your head.
Additionally, the helmet is equipped with 4-point fully adjustable slingwhich is buckled.
On the outside of the helmet, both sides can be found rails for additional accessories (torch, ear protection, etc.) and on the front is assembly to NVG equipment including extraction lines.
The helmet is equipped witha number of Velcro straps that will allow the attachment of morale-patch patches, markings, e-lite tags, etc.
There are 2 pieces included goggle mounting clips.
This product does not provide ballistic protection as well as any other protective properties and is not intended to be used for protective purposes, including during tactical/war/ASG games.
Use of the product for ballistic protection, or / and other protective purposes, including during tactical / war / ASG games constitutes use of the product contrary to its intended use, in which case the buyer does so solely at his own risk.
The seller shall not be liable for any damage to the product resulting from use of the product contrary to its intended use, this also applies to any possible health consequences for the user (buyer) and damage to property, and the product itself is not subject to any warranty on this account.
The seller shall be liable to the buyer under the product warranty for defects in the product (in the event of such defects) only in case when the buyer/user uses the product solely for its intended purpose, i.e. for purposes other than protective purposes, including during tactical / war / ASG games.
The lack of any protective properties of a product is a feature and not a defect of the product and therefore does not constitute a physical defect of the product within the meaning of the Civil Code.
Colour | Coyote Brown |
Product weight [g] | 500 |