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Airsoft Savoir-Vivre - some rules to remember



Airsoft Savoir-vivre

Just like every other discipline of sport, airsoft has some unspoken rules which should be a common knowledge for every player. Not obeying them isn't usually an issue because discipline is integral part of airsoft experience, yet there are notorious situations in which complying to those rules makes you less likely to be called an asshole, no matter whether you're battle-scared veteran or a rookie. Some events may introduce more specific rules regarding guns, BB's and equipment, but we'll focus on most common and universal things. In this text I'll skip the most obvious part about eye safety, leaving the game when hit and so on.

There’s a lot of rules – different ones on Sunday airsoft skirm for 15 players, different ones on big event like Border Was or Combat Alert. But what can we do to make airsoft a pleasant experience for everyone? Check out my approach to airsoft code!




1) Make sure you have enough BB's

Sounds basic? Trust me, there will always be "the guy" who's totally surprised that BB guns require BB's to work properly. You may spot them in crowd by their frantic eye movement any time a bag full of BB's is present. This is not an end of the world scenario; asking for hand-full of BB's isn't huge deal, but asking for them again and again on every meeting is a bit fishy! How could you have not foreseen this? Most common excuse is "I've had no time" or "I was too busy to pick them up from post office". Stop asking everyone for BB's and buy some, BB's are cheaper than sliced bread.




2) Make sure you're not a twat

You've bought the most expensive gear? Yes! High-end replica ready? Yup! Ok, we're good to go and talk shit about all the younger and/or poorly equipped players. Let's use some common knowledge suggesting that ability to order a four-digit paycheck is totally justifying us to be plebe-hating douchebags. Airsoft is meant to be fun, not dick-measuring contest for those who are not comfortable with their "barrels". Be the good guy who helps younger players out in the field and stop treating them like cannon fodder.



3) Make sure you own a BB gun, not a WMD

Decent rate of fire is pretty useful thing, just bear in mind that not everyone enjoys airsoft in BDSM style. Single hit by BB is painful enough, let alone whole thirty rounds salvo aimed at your face. As much as you may enjoy it people will hate you, believe me. Getting shot by someone with too high ROF hurts like hell and is dangerous especially in CQB. Have you ever seen someone's hand after direct hit by medium-tier replica? It is nasty, bruised and swollen. Now multiply this by 20-30 direct hits and make sure you have strong nerves or spare bucket nearby because you may feel sick. Upgrade your gun to heart's content, just remember not to overdose with ROF.



4) Make sure your replica is safe

In 99% cases it is job of event's host to choose rules and FPS limits. As a player you must obey them in order to have safe and fun time playing. Usually the FPS limit in buildings is around 300 or something FPS, and switching to SEMI is advised. Unfortunately there are players who intend to preserve their brains by not using them too often, using extremely high power guns in utterly close quarters. Almost every good airsoft retailer or mechanic can downgrade your gun for free, so it may be good riddance to give it a shot.

5) Make sure you're playing in safe place

For you and me airsoft isn't any kind of weird, unknown sorcery. If you are reading this, you've most likely had spent more than enough time out in the field and had some experience with ASG guns, thus you're less prone to mistake airsoft players for local Al-Quaida cell out for a quick jog. "Civilians" may be scared of your presence, they may call the police and get you in deep trouble. Remember to play in spots that are far away from housing areas, make sure terrain where you play is not a wildlife reserve or a place of national remembrance.

6) Make sure you won’t end up as a red splatter on the pavement

No beating around the bush in this one. If you're out in public - hide your gun replica to designated bag or case. It also would be best for you to take off your chest rig, flak jacket, holster or any given piece of equipment which may raise suspicion. If by accident you've underwent lobotomy and/or you intend to walk around in public with your ASG gun you may as well save someone's hustle and call the police SWAT team already. We live in turbulent times with insurgence, wars and terror becoming a looming threat, so people won’t bother to ask you if the gun is real and nor will the police.




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