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ASG equipment - a few useful things on the airsoft field


There are things so obvious that people don't even keep them in mind. And how does it end? Well, a lot of people forget about certain parts of ASG equipment at them moments they're needed the most. And at that moment, it is too late. The only way to get out of this situation is to have good buddies who don't forget about things. You can also have a long walk to the parking spot and hope that you left the forgotten thing in the car's trunk. Sorry guys, I have to go!


The speedloader



Besides the replica and eye protection, the speedloader is the most commonly used gizmo on the field. And yes, people still forget to bring it to the field and realize that at the moment when bb's are flying above their heads, when they don't have any in their magazines. It's the moment of a quick search of the equipment, pouches, backpacks, yelling for buddies if they have one. Unfortunately, everything is lost because of that little guy that you forgot to put into the pouch. It is worth to have an additional speedloader that ALWAYS stays in the equipment. The review of more advanced speedloader can be found here.


The bb's

madbull bbs


There is always "that guy" who forgets to carry the smallest source of bb's in his asg equipment. Until he carriers like 20 mid-caps and doesn't need to reload during the game, it's perfectly fine. However, when "that guy" is carrying only 3 low-caps on his plate carrier for the 4-hour skirmish game of attacking and defending reinforced positions - it's a no-go. Thankfully our hobby is like a family, and there is always someone that will lend his plastic bullets for someone in need. However, the best ammo is your ammo, because it's bought especially for your replica and hop-up system. There is also a rumor, that one shouldn't carry a pack of bb's because it's load during running. False. The solution for the problem is to simply use a plastic bb's bag that is compressed and tied up with some paracord or duct tape.


A repair kit



Murphy's Law is a real term and you have to deal with it. Your airsoft equipment like a replica can (and will) fail in the most unexpected conditions, probably during the game. In the fatal cases, there is even a possibility that we won't be able to continue the game unless we have a spare gun. Fortunately, the most common gun failures are very easy to fix in the field, when you have proper tools:


A set of mini screwdrivers and Allen keys/a good multitool - they're useful for the basic field strip of the replica and to tighten all loosen screws. A proper tool is also needed to remove the bottom plate of the pistol grip in order to check the motor wiring.


A backup fuse - if you replica has a fuse in the wiring, it is worth to carry an additional fuse in case of the failure. It doesn't really take that much place in equipment, yet still can save the game.


Zip ties and duct tape - if something moves and shouldn't - you can fix it up with these. In other scenarios, it also allows putting the battery on the stock or to mount a flashlight on the replica without rails. Of course, the AK family require a special blue duct tape ;)


Microfiber glass cloth

cloth for glasses


I can bet that most of the airsofters wipe their foggy eye protection with their dirty red rag, uniform or dirty gloves. I think that I don't have to explain the bad impact of these habits on the anti-fog layer of the glass. It is really worth to keep a microfiber cloth and cleaning chemistry in a pocket for the games.


Backup batteries



In the modern days when the replica is covered in electronic devices, it is worth to keep a few spare batteries for each device. The GPS tracker, red dot sight, flashlight - each of them can finish their batteries in the most unfortunate moment and make our life harder. The spare batteries are one of the airsoft must-haves.


The knife



knife is one of the most basic tools that can be used almost for everything. Cutting the paracord, tape, sharpening sticks, getting wood for the bonfire or building a milsim base? Use your knife!


The first aid kit

first aid kit


Airsoft is a sport with a high risk of injuries - not only the ones cause by bb's impact on the skin but also some worse damage caused by the harsh terrain. In addition to that, everything takes place in the middle of nowhere, where the help won't arrive momentarily. You need to be able to take a basic care of yourself and your buddies, and the first aid kit is needed for that.


The water source and snacks

hydration system


Airsoft players usually don't value the water as they should, especially during short 3-4 hour games. Our hobby is dynamic and because of all the weight we're carrying, we need to drink a lot of water. I would recommend having at least a spare 1 liter of water in the equipment like a hydration system (or even more during heat days). Some high-energy snacks like bars, nuts or beef jerky are also recommended for both energy and morale increase.



Paweł "Fishbonee" Napieralski

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