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First aid kit - what should it contain?


There are many dangers lurking for the airsoft player on the airsoft battlefield. Irresponsible players, unprepared terrain for gameplay, risky maneuvers, all the mentioned "stunts", can end in injury. Therefore, every player should be responsible not only for his own safety but also for the safety of others.

Military first aid kit equipment

The Individual First Aid Kit should not be used as a case for candy bars and a phone, but for its intended purpose. In my 16-year adventure with the sport, I have encountered many times more or less serious injuries caused by the previously mentioned factors. From abrasions, headaches, stomach problems, broken limbs, bb’s stuck in the skin fired by irresponsible players, chipped teeth to hypothermia. Fortunately, there was always someone nearby who was equipped with a first aid kit and knew how to use it. However, it is not always possible to find a medic among the "chocolate-telephone" operators with beautiful, expensive first-aid kits without an ounce of medical supplies.

Manufacturers of tactical equipment offer many IFAK pouches of different sizes, designs and in various camouflages. In the following article I will present some of the most popular designs, the classification of first aid kits and what is worth equipping them with.

red first aid kit with a cross

The following article has been written for the semi-expirienced players to help with minor injuries. Remember, in case of serious injuries, immediately contact the services trained to act in such cases. Also, train yourselves to use the contents of your first aid kits; just having the equipment won't do you any good.

What requirements must a first aid kit meet?

"If you are not responsible for your own safety, don't expect it from others". Before I get to the most "tactical" concepts in the article which is the first-aid kits of each line, I would like to mention that each of the following IFAKs must meet some requirements:

ACCESS - We must have free and quick access to each first aid kit. In the case of IFAK located on the body armor/ chest rig (line 1 and 2) with both hands, due to the fact that one may be injured, we must patch ourselves up with the other. In the case of teams, it is a good idea for each member of the group to have the IFAK placed in the same place to make it easier for colleagues to find it.

PACKAGING - Packing your first aid kit properly is half the battle. All items in the first aid kit must be packed in such a way that if you open the kit with shaking hands, they will not fall out. In addition, we must remember to lay out all the items in a convenient manner.

COMPLETION - When completing a kit, we must remember to select items that we know how to use. If, by some miracle, you pack an MRI system into your second-line first aid kit without being a radiation specialist, you will not help yourself or your colleagues.

PERSONALIZATION - The main feature of individual first aid kits, as the name suggests, is "individual". If you yourself are not responsible for your own safety then don't expect others to be. When completing your IFAK, remember to pack medical supplies that you are not allergic to, or on which your health depends.

rip-away medical pouch Genus

Small Rip-Away Medical Pouch Genus - Olive

Types of military first aid kits

First-aid kits are divided into lines or echelons due to their size, equipment and dimensions.

FIRST LINE - A small first-aid kit located on your chest, which we can use with both hands from different, even inconvenient positions. Its equipment should include emergency measures such as:

-A tourniquet in case of bleeding

-A small dressing

-Scissors for cutting clothing

SECOND LINE - A medium-sized first-aid kit, preferably tear-off one, which will be used by us in case of self-help and by our colleagues in the course of helping us. Like the first-line first aid kit, it should be conveniently located for access by both right and left hands. In addition, it should be marked with a clear cross or crescent. To avoid a situation in which a colleague is looking for "that multicam pouch" until the ambulance arrives. The first aid kit of line two should include:


-Hand disinfectant (in case the gloves wear out)

-A tourniquet or two

-A large dressing

-Two small dressings

-A set of plasters in various sizes

-Surgical scissors for cutting plasters

-Painkillers, anti-diarrheal medications and other medications selected for you

-Antiseptics/wound disinfectants


-NRC foil

-Medical marker - to describe the injured person. A good description will make it easier for professionals to perform their duties. The description should include:

  • Diseases the victim suffers from
  • The medications they were given and the amount
  • Blood type (if the victim knows it [there are some who do not])
  • Time of applying a tourniquet to the bleeding limb
Medical pouch Sogna multicam Primal Gear

Tactical IFAK Sogna - Multicam

THIRD LINE -A large first aid kit located in or on a backpack. It is an enlarged version of the second-line first-aid kit, into which we can pack two second-line kits and camp relief items. For example, means for pulling out ticks.

FOURTH LINE - That is, a medical backpack, recommended for people who "know what they're doing," aka people with medical training or appropriate training (e.g., combat medic course). The medical backpack is part of the "issued" equipment or function in the group. In it are four or more sets of line two + specialized equipment, such as injections, resuscitation equipment, bracing splints, etc.

First aid kit laid out

First aid kit equipment - summary

It is necessary to be responsible for the safety of yourself and others at Airsoft skarmishes, to some it may seem unnecessary to carry extra weight on the equipment in the form of medical supplies. However, one does not know the day or hour when we may experience an unpleasant situation, for which it is better to be prepared. You will appreciate it yourself, and your colleagues will certainly appreciate it.

Be safe!


Author: Dr. Livesey

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