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What is airsoft?

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Airsoft is a term used to describe a sport or hobby where firearm replicas are the foundation. They are categorized into three main types based on the power source: spring-powered, gas-powered, or electric. Airsoft can be a fascinating pursuit for any enthusiast of firearms and military gear. Airsoft guns can be collected solely for the sake of collecting or utilized in airsoft skirmishes. If you intend to use airsoft weapons on the battlefield, proper preparation is necessary. In our latest post, we present you with general principles related to airsoft, which might spark your interest in this new and engaging sport.

DPM camouflage

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DPM is a type of camouflage that we can often see on the airsoft battlefield. This is certainly influenced by the availability and low price of good quality military surplus uniforms. Its popularity may have been declining in recent years, but it still occupies an important place in the collection of many airsoft players.

Where to get information about shooters?

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There are many sources of information about shooters. Without a doubt, the easiest way is to look for them on the Internet, where there are many groups associating airsoft enthusiasts. Check out where to look to stay up to date with what's going on in the airsoft world. Read our latest post!

The most popular airsoft guns of 2023 at Gunfire

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We see them often at skirmishes. They appear on sales, have interesting features, or are popular for other reasons. We can find long or short replicas and those in various price ranges. Let's check what the most popular replicas of 2023 were at Gunfire.