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Drum and Box Magazines

number of products: 8 products

      The magazines used in airsoft can be divided into several types. These include drum and box magazines Hi-Caps which are quite popular and have a group of supporters - they are larger, heavier, but they can contain a much larger number of balls.

      Drum and box magazines - Description

      Among the magazines used in airsoft, there are drum and box magazines. As the name suggests, they resemble small ammunition boxes or drums in their construction and appearance. As in the originals, their main advantage is that they have a much higher capacity than standard magazines, namely up to 3000 balls.

      Drum and box magazines may be powered mechanically and electrically. The difference lies in the way the balls are fed. Drum magazines have to be screwed on manually, while box magazines are powered by an electric motor. Each drive, of course, has advantages and disadvantages that are worth knowing before you buy. The electric-powered ones are more convenient and do not need to be screwed on manually, but you should think of a spare battery, as the magazine becomes useless when it fails. Both types are much heavier than the popular Hi-Cap and Mid-Cap, mainly due to the number of balls they can hold. This, of course, translates into the convenience of use of the replica, which then is no longer light and compact. In addition, the larger build means that additional loaders and fairly large drop bags are required.

      Drum and box magazines only in machine guns?

      You will often come across the statement that drum and box magazines are only used in heavy machine guns. Debunking myths. In airsoft, you can easily buy such a magazine for a standard M4 or AK replica. Additionally, the so-called "drums" - electrically-powered drum magazines are becoming more and more common. Best manufacturers offer such magazines for example for the MP5 replica.

      However, it is always advisable to check the limits set by the organiser of the event you are planning to take part in. Due to their large capacity, it happens that during some games drum and box magazines are only allowed to be used in support rifles. Despite these limitations, it is worth having them in your equipment and, during the games in which they are allowed, enjoy the advantages offered by their large capacity.


      See also:
