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What airsoft gear to start with?


Is there anything necessary to start in airsoft?

The answer to such a question is usually clear to most of the players asked. Yes, we need at least eye protection to start playing airsoft. And you know what? The more I think about it, the more I think it's not true. Let's not get it wrong. Eye protection is essential in airsoft. During the games and using airsoft guns in general, we must wear eye protection at all times. This is beyond doubt. Do not accuse me of preaching a different truth. But do we really need to buy it? I think not. Of course, it is very good to have your glassesgoggles or a mask. And it's a fact, if you only have to buy one thing, let it be glasses. But we don't always have to have them to even try.

Wiley X Smoke Glasses

There are many great commercial arenas where we will rent the equipment you need, including eye protection. So, we don't have to have them. In addition, it is often the case that we are infected with the sport of airsoft by our friends. Many players have spare glasses that they are happy to share. And they don't have to be our friends. Very often I come across a situation where the necessary equipment is borrowed by strangers. It is worth asking the event organizer about it or adding a post on the event website on the Web. I haven't come across a situation where someone was ridiculed or in some other way depreciated just because he asked before the skirmish if someone wouldn't borrow this or that. So yes, I believe that you don't need to have absolutely nothing to start. And here we could end, but let's stay for a while, because if we want to spend some money, it's worth doing it so that we start with the most important issues.

What airsoft gear to buy first?

After carefully reading the previous part of the article, you can come to the conclusion what is the most necessary to start the game. I mean glasses. This is something that is probably worth thinking about in the absolute first necessity. Why? Because they largely determine our safety. Well-chosen glasses or goggles affect the comfort of the game. Their selection is often an individual matter. I often repeat the statement that an airsoft gun is enough to be operational at the beginning. Eye protection, when we buy it, would need to be well chosen according to our needs.

Collimator mounted on SA replica

The eye protection measures described above form what I would call the holy trinity with an asterisk. The point is to complete three elements of our airsoft gear. The above-mentioned glasses, goggles or a mask to protect the eyes, an airsoft gun and BBs. Okay, but what's with the star? This is a bonus that depends on which airsoft gun we choose. More and more often, when buying electric replicas, we will get them without a battery and charger. For our newly acquired toy to work, we need these elements, so we need to obtain them together with the airsoft gun. This problem does not occur when we opt for spring airsoft guns. Whether it is worth deciding on such a drive at the beginning is a topic for another column. Similarly, if a battery and a charger are included with our replica, we do not have to buy them. Well, is that enough? Glasses, a working airsoft gun and BBs? Yes, that's all. We put on comfy clothes, we go to a skirmish and we can have fun. We don't need anything else. However, it is good to be aware that our appetite will grow as we eat. So, what to buy next?

Specna Arms C19 Core airsoft carbine
Airsoft player in full gear in forest

Airsoft tactical gear to buy next

We already have an airsoft gun that works, glasses and BBs. So, what to buy next? More ammo. Sometimes I'm surprised myself how many projectiles I use even during short games. You can go on and on, but I won't tease you. You probably prefer more specific recommendations. In my experience and observation, players often go both ways from this point after securing the foundations. One means investing in an airsoft gun, the other in tactical equipment.

Godin carrier belt olive Primal Gear

When investing in an airsoft gun, I suggest focusing on accessories. Sights, grips, stocks, additional batteries are useful things, easy to install yourself and those that will give us visible benefits. When we must necessarily invest in more advanced parts, it is worth considering buying a better-quality charger and battery, if we use the most basic ones. I would postpone the tuning of the airsoft gun as far as possible. It's very easy to fall into a spiral of expenses here. When we replace one thing, it is worth adding something else, and so on and so on. In addition, when deciding on improvements, we should have very specific requirements in mind as to how the tuned airsoft gun should work. What are we missing and how much money can we spend on the purchase of parts and the possible work of a service technician. So, let's focus on scopes and other accessories first. A red dot, even a simple one, will help us in the game more than a similar amount spent on parts and internal improvements. Similarly with additional magazines or, for example, a spare battery.

Tactical vest olive KAM-39

Tactical equipment is another, almost obvious item on our shopping list. And here I would like to write something that maybe many experienced players will not agree with. There is nothing wrong with buying cheap, typically airsoft tactical equipment. People who say otherwise seem to forget what it's like at the beginning, when it's hard to keep an airsoft budget to buy new things. It is true that more advanced equipment will serve us longer, will be lighter, more durable or better thought out. But in a situation where we don't have any vest to carry our magazines or water bottles, such arguments go to the background. Of course, if we can afford it, it is worth paying extra for more branded equipment. When buying cheaper counterparts, we should also be aware of their limitations. However, if we want to shoot ourselves with friends at the weekend, it does not really matter that much if we do it in a vest for 25 or 250 Euros.


Author: Boreq

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