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AAIPSC level 1 competition in Leszno


What is AAIPSC?

Dynamic shooting has been becoming more and more popular in the world of sports shooting for a long time. IPSC is the International Practical Shooting Confederation. Unlike static shooting, what matters here is not only our accuracy, but also our speed. Action Air is the airsoft version of this sport. So, we shoot with airsoft guns and, apart from that, the entire surroundings are, at first glance, indistinguishable from firearms competitions.

Apart from the players, the most important thing are the referees. They ensure the correct and safe course of the competition. They measure time and verify results on the dial. They explain the course of the tracks and the rules. Their work at such an event is invaluable.

Just like in firearms competition, we have several levels of such competitions. The first level is one in which everyone can try their hand at it. There is no need for special competition licenses, courses or permits. All you need to do is show up with your equipment, pay the start fee and follow the staff's instructions. Sometimes, at some competitions, you don't even have to have your own airsoft gun and equipment and you can compete with rented ones. However, this was not the case at the competition I am describing today.

AAIPSC competitor in front of the shooting track
AAIPSC competitor

Are there any hardware limitations? Yes, we have several classes that compete with each other. They differ in permitted types of construction. To make things easier, we can say that we have an open class, where basically everything is allowed and others. This is, of course, a big simplification, but it's enough for a start. In the open class we have airsoft guns with collimators, pouches on our belt can be placed wherever we want and we can carry more ammunition. Other classes, such as standard, in which I competed, require specific dimensions of the gun and the placement of pouches on the belt in accordance with the rules.

What is the competition like?

I went to the competition in Leszno at invitation from Cichy – a renowned polish AAIPSC player. This time he took on the role of the organizer and, together with other members of his IPSC team, supervised the course of the competition as judges. The competition in Leszno had a form that was very favorable to novices. The tracks varied in length and complexity. After registration and preparation, we divided into three groups. Each one started from a different track, which ensured rotation and we didn't have to wait in long lines for our chance to cross the track. Great emphasis was placed on safety issues. The tracks had their designated safe directions, i.e. where the gun barrel could be aimed. Breaking such an angle could result in a penalty or even disqualification. In my opinion, this is great preparation for people who are thinking about continuing their adventure with firearm IPSC. Using airsoft replicas, we can easily and quite cheaply develop good habits that will later pay off. It's also a bit safer.

AAIPSC competitor aiming an airsoft pistol

Before each track, the judge explained the rules to us. Sometimes we started with a replica in a holster. Another time it was on a table. There was even a track where we left the replica and magazines on tables placed on opposite parts of the track. You had to grab the replica, run to the magazines, load them and then start shooting at the targets. Listening to the judge often turned out to be crucial. I lost a lot of time myself after I incorrectly moved the load, which had to be moved from one point to another during one of the courses between the first and last shot.

Sometimes the tracks required a little more movement, other times precision was important. However, the balance between these two factors has always been important. A precisely shot target didn't help us much if we went through the track at a slow pace. Other times, in a hurry, it was easy to miss or hit the so-called "no shoot", i.e. a shield that resulted in negative points when fired at.

How to prepare for the competition?

I would be lying if I said that I entered the competition absolutely straight away. All in all, no airsoft player is entirely a novice in such competition. Shooting at targets under stress caused by, for example, time pressure is nothing new for us. Only here the conditions are slightly more controlled than, for example, at a Sunday shooting game.

AAIPSC competitor covering the track

For my part, however, I really wanted to focus on safety. For this reason, I organized a few simple training sessions together with Mańek44, who was also with me at the competition in Leszno. We equipped ourselves with several IPSC targets and set up straight tracks at one of the local places where airsoft games are held. We measured times using a phone. One of us shot and the other acted as the referee.

What did we train? In addition to simple issues such as movement, planning the passage of the track or taking positions, we also focused on maintaining safety angles. We set up our shields and crossing lines to practice retreating, changing firing directions or moving left and right without swinging the barrel.

Airsoft equipment for AAIPSC

I have bad news for all collectors. We don't need a lot of equipment for AAIPSC. All you need is a belt, a holster, at least two pouches and, of course, an airsoft gun with magazines. Of course, nothing stops you from assembling a set of equipment especially for such competitions. You can also safely use what we have for regular skirmishes.

AAP01 Assassin Action Army airsoft gun

I competed with the AAP01 airsoft pistol from Action Army. I really like its fiber optic sights and it is quite light due to its plastic construction. For this purpose, I used an ordinary trouser belt on which I hung Amomax pistol pouches and a holster for the airsoft gun. I performed in a class that did not allow red-dots or other facilities, so I gave up on it for now.

black pistol pouch by Amomax

A lot of people had similar sets to mine and it didn't usually prevent me from achieving good results. We shoot at relatively short distances. Therefore, the reliability of the replica is more important than its raw performance. It's nice to test your equipment beforehand. Check the position of the pouches and perform a few test reloads. This will help you save stress during competition.

AAIPSC competition summary

I recommend everyone to try their hand at such competitions. It was a completely different look at airsoft for me. Cardboard targets brutally verify our ideas about our own accuracy. The AAIPSC competition is excellent training for people interested in firearms IPSC. The atmosphere was very friendly. Other participants were happy to share their experiences and it was usually not difficult to get tips on how to optimally plan their transition.

AAIPSC competitor completing course under judge's supervision

The competition in Leszno was held at the local LOK shooting range. It is a very modern and well-equipped facility. This is another reason to try AAIPSC. Typically, such events are held either indoors in a warm building or on open tracks in the summer. Look for such competitions in your area and try it. Maybe you'll like it as much as I do.


Author: Boreq

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