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Short Stroke – airsoft gun modification

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The market of airsoft gun service is very wide. Some modifications are designed to improve the work culture of our AEG, others increase its power. This time, however, we will deal with the type of modification whose most important function is to reduce the power of our replica.

How to start tuning an airsoft gun?

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A popular trend among airsoft players is that immediately after buying a replica, they start improving it. Tuning is an imaginative concept. But where to start? We will answer this question in the next article.

Gunfire at IWA Outdoor Classics

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One of the biggest and most renowned trade fairs for all shooting and weapon enthusiasts will start soon - IWA Outdoor Classics. This annual event attracts thousands of people related to the military industry, and of course you can meet Gunfire representatives there too. For everyone who will visit our stand during IWA, we have prepared the newest airsoft products, as well as several other interesting activities.

Specna Arms Edge X-series - review

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The airsoft market often follows the trends set by the firearms world. Due to the enduring popularity of carbines using pistol-caliber ammunition, we have the opportunity to meet more and more new designs of replicas of this type. After many months of announcements, we finally have a chance to see what Specna Arms has prepared in this topic. So let's take a closer look at the new X-series using the SA-X02 as an example.

5 non-obvious airsoft accessories

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Sometimes, when we hear that someone has been playing airsoft for over 10 years, we have the idea that he has probably seen everything. However, even experienced players may encounter solutions that they have never used before, and they will prove to be useful. In this article, we will check a few accessories that a person with many years of experience may have overlooked and may turn out to be very useful.

What is Hop-Up?

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Range, accuracy and repeatability of shots is something that is very important for most airsoft replicas. One of the elements that is of great importance in improving these parameters is the Hop-Up system. Let's check how this element is built and what is important in improving its operation.

Expensive vs cheap airsoft equipment - is it worth paying extra?

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Airsoft equipment prices sometimes cover very different ranges. We can buy a replica for around EUR 120, but we can also easily find one for EUR 1,200. So how do you decide where to allocate the bigger budget? As it often happens, a lot depends on our priorities. What is that we consider the most important. In this article, we will check what to consider when choosing the amounts, we want to spend on replicas and their accessories.

Green Gas or CO2?

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Gas airsoft guns are not the most frequently chosen models, but they have their loyal fans. If you’re planning to buy one, then you are definitely wondering which gas is better: CO2 or Green Gas? Both have their advantages and disadvantages, which translate into the functionality and performance of the airsoft gun. In our latest post, we discuss the use of both of these gases and try to answer the question which one is better. Read on!

ICS Challenger, a real Game Changer!

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The Challenger Hi-Capa from ICS is an airsoft replica that attracts gamers due in part to the innovative components and proven features used in it. Reading our newest post, you will find out more about its construction and why it is worth purchasing. Enjoy!

Airsoft New Year's resolutions

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It is said that about 70% of New Year's resolutions are not kept. It is difficult to set a good goal for the New Year and stick to it. However, let's try to break this trend and set resolutions, or rather airsoft challenges for the next 365 days. Thanks to them, we will enrich our game, we will have the opportunity to try something new and who knows? Maybe we'll discover a new kind of fun that we didn't know before?
Orders with shipping to Ukraine

Orders with shipping to Ukraine

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You can now shop on the Gunfire website with shipping to Ukraine. We offer full support in the purchasing process, as well as assistance with all formalities. Read the latest post and find out more.

How to prepare for an airsoft skirmish in winter?

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There are people for whom the airsoft season never ends and they shoot in all weather conditions. Admittedly, it requires proper preparation, but it can be extremely rewarding. Games in the area covered with a layer of snow are very atmospheric, have their own specific pace and provide an unforgettable experience. So, let's check how to prepare well for such a game!

Plate carrier - description and characteristics

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The plate carrier is a type of tactical vest enjoying great popularity in the airsoft community. This type of airsoft gear is very functional and provides additional, effective protection of the player's body against pellets. There are many options available on the market, so it's worth knowing which features to pay attention to when making a choice.

What is MOSFET?

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Every user of an airsoft gun begins to wonder at some point how they can improve its operation, increase its functionality or extend its service life. One answer to these considerations is MOSFET, which guarantees all of the above - depending on how advanced a circuit you choose. If you have an electric airsoft gun and you find yourself considering the subject, our latest post should clarify all these issues. Read on!
Airsoft communication with Specna Arms Shortie radio

Airsoft communication with Specna Arms Shortie radio

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Being able to have a conversation with the team has many positive aspects. Not to mention social values, we can exchange vital information about the battlefield. Often skirmishes are won by team communication. Bearing this important issue in mind, we will check how the Shortie-82 radio from Specna Arms is doing.

B.L.A.S.G. – airsoft shooting in the desert

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When most of our attention is focused on local Sunday skirmishes, there is a good chance that more interesting events pass by unnoticed for us. However, it is worth looking for more complicated scenarios, where the background story is of little less importance than the efficiency of our airsoft gun. One of such events is the next B.L.A.S.G., i.e., the battle for diamonds in the desert.

New pistol holsters from Primal Gear – kydex for everyone

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As we know, often buying an airsoft gun is just the beginning of our expenses. Next in line are additional magazines, tactical accessories such as red-dots, various types of grips and something to carry our equipment. In the case of airsoft pistol, it is no different, and probably the most important additional element that we have to buy is a holster. Fortunately, with the wide Primal Gear offer, we do not have to worry about buying a suitable model adapted to our side replica.

How to pack a military backpack?

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Packing a backpack is an art worth learning. The correct arrangement of things in the backpack allows you to pack everything you need, and at the same time increases the comfort of carrying luggage. If you do not know yet how to pack a backpack, check out our latest post! 

Airsoft units of measure

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In airsoft we have many specific parameters that we measure to determine, for example, the effectiveness of our airsoft guns. Many of the units of measurement we know from physics and mechanics also help us determine the parameters in our hobby. So, let's check what units of measurement we can find in airsoft and explain the most popular of them.

What does AEG mean in airsoft?

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AEG is one of the most basic concepts related to airsoft. It defines an entire category of airsoft guns, which includes models with similar capabilities, features and applications. If you want to find out what those models, you must check out our latest post!