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Li-Fe batteries

Ilość produktów: 1

      How do Li-Fe batteries work? 

      Electric replicas are very popular in airsoft. They have many advantages and features which are not available in gas or spring powered constructions. One of them is the rechargeable battery as a power source. Batteries are divided according to their construction and properties. One of the basic groups are those marked as Li-Fe.

      Li-Fe batteries - description and characteristics

      Electric replicas are powered by dedicated battery packs. The most popular are LiPo and NiMH batteries. However, Li-Fe packs, i.e. lithium-iron-phosphate batteries, are becoming more and more popular. Their construction is very similar to the previously mentioned LiPo. However, they are distinguished by better resistance to mechanical damage and greater stability of operation at high temperatures. In addition, they are more efficient and have a much longer service life. It is also important that this type of pack can power a replica longer on a single charge than the above-mentioned equivalents. This way, during long games you do not have to worry about a spare battery. It is also worth noting that Li-Fe batteries do not discharge completely, which translates into a longer pack life. What is more, their nominal voltage is lower than compared to other packs - namely it is 3.3 V instead of 3.7 V as in the case of LiPo packs.

      Use of rechargeable batteries

      Proper use of batteries is very important. Regardless of the type, correct charging, use and storage of packs is important. Batteries should be charged with dedicated chargers. The best choice will always be microprocessor-based chargers. They provide the correct charging current and significantly extend the life of the pack. They also have a “storage” mode, which allows for safe and long storage of batteries.

      Do not forget that correct use allows not only to enjoy good and efficient batteries, but also to minimize the necessity of unforeseen expenses, e.g. due to incorrect battery charging.

      Battery selection

      When choosing a battery, there are several important things to remember. First, you should pay attention to the dimensions and the socket. Replicas differ not only in size, but also in the location of the battery. Before you decide to buy, it is worth checking whether all parts will be compatible with each other.


      See also:
