How to prepare for the summer skirmish ?
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The summer period is often the time of more and more frequent airsoft games. Longer days and nicer weather favour the organization of skirmishes. However, hot weather can be dangerous. Let's check how to prepare for airsoft games in the summer.
Gearbox V2 vs V3 in airsoft guns
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Often in the product descriptions we see information about which version of the gearbox is installed in a given replica. Most often we see them in version v2 or v3. How are these structures different? Which is better? Where did the gearbox v1 go? We will answer these questions in this article.
R-Hop modification on the example of Psionic products
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Airsoft guns are very sensitive to the hop-up system used in them. Even seemingly small modifications to this element can significantly improve our focus and range. The r-hop system, known for several years, is another attempt to improve the spin of our BBs. Let's see how to do this conversion.
Airsoft radio - life hacks for in-game communication
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There are many excuses we use to not bring certain items of equipment to skirmishes. We don't pack first aid kits because nothing has ever happened to us. A spare battery is not needed because I don't shoot much anyway. We do not take the radio, because using it is inconvenient and difficult. In the next article, we will try to improve the convenience of using communication equipment with a few clever solutions.