Complete ELM v.3 High Torque Gearbox
A complete gearbox intended for installation
in AK replicas. When designing the gearbox, E&L engineers have collected
from the market the best solutions and also added some of their own. The set
includes an ELM170 High Torque motor based on neodymium magnets. On one
hand this allows to work with smaller resistance of gears, which make most
turns and on the other hand it minimizes the risk of malfunction of the sector
gear, which is subjected to highest stress.
The piston lacks the upper slide along the
majority of its length, which to a minimal degree influences the stability of
its operation, but in a much larger degree reduces friction. Two of the
aforementioned solutions guarantee better reliability, higher ROF and smaller
energy drain.
The pneumatic system consists of a set of a
silent piston and cylinder heads, which prolongs the lifetime of the system and
provides better absorption. The replica has a ball-bearing spring guide and the
sector gear has an enlarged delayer clip. It provides the BB with more time to
be introduced into the chamber, which is especially important when dealing with
configurations with a high rate of fire.
Standard gearbox has installed M130
spring, which allows for achieving a muzzle velocity of ~430 FPS. In
order to evaluate real durability of parts, the manufacturer has conducted
durability testing of the gearbox using M150 and M170 springs and the GB has
handled well even those powerful springs. The base test on M150 spring has seen
20 000 BB fired and determined minimal wear and tear on parts. This shows that
when using stock M130 spring, the risk of being forced to make use of the
warranty is minimal.